Monday, January 6, 2014


   Our last stop (sigh) was Cozumel, México. Once again we met up with our friends on Carnival,  and hit the city in search of mopeds. After a little bit of much needed help getting out of the high traffic areas,  Bianca and I (who have never driven a moped before) joined tge group.  I gotta say- I think I need one now. I loved it!  We went from beach bar to beach bar just enjoying the sun, the sand, the water, and the wind in our hair.
   The first place we hit up was the Moneybar, where we snorkled more awesome reefs, soaked up the sun, and ate some yummy octopus ceviche with our drinks.
   The second place we enjoyed was Playa Palancar. At the end of this road was where we took the photo of that neat little boat we stopped at. Surprisingly,  the tacos here were a highlight of my trip mmmmmmmm.
   On the drive, we saw an alligator in the road too! I do like my Mexico! Watch a video of it all here

Saturday, January 4, 2014


No, I didn't get a whole lot of pics in Belize, but I was way too busy having a blast to even think about it. The plan was- cave tubing, followed by zip lining and lunch. It didn't all work out but they still made sure we had a good time. When we arrived by tender, it was pouring rain. I whipped out my poncho for warmth and loved every second of it. Unfortunately,  though,  the rain caused the caves to flood, and we were unable to do that part of our tour. We did this through The guide reimbursed us for what we were missing and we headed out to the mountains. Someone found a tarantula and you can view our video of that excitement here. The ziplining was pretty good, but really it was all about being surrounded by beauty. To view this experience you can go here. After ziplining, we ate some delicious, authentic Belizian food and drank some awesome rum punch the whole ride back. Our driver was even kind enough to stop at a liquor store so we could stock up for cheap liquor including the delicious and vanilla-y One Barrel Rum (you must try this-I mean it!) It was so awesome to meet up with all friends on this adventure.

update!!!  I've added a video of Belize. See it here!!!