Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Drive to the... Ocean?

So you know me, I move to a town and immediately explore everything around. The first exploration I did was to try and see the Ocean nearby. We went to Bahia de los Lobos. It turns out the ocean had no access by road only hike or river, but the traditional town was very neat to see.

 It was such a fun adventure to check out, even if we never made it to the sea.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

My move to México

 So I haven't gotten a job as a massage therapist yet so I decided to try for México for a bit. My dad lives there and my sister was visiting so I figured why not?! Worst case scenario I live in México for a month.

   Driving was not so bad, but I am eternally grateful for my new friends I was able to follow from Nogales, Arizona to San Carlos, México.  I got lost leaving Tucson so I know I wouldn't have done so well. Also, my car is highly unreliable, but good thing auto work is cheaper in México.  I drove the entire way on the 15, paying tolls for my safety.  I saw a strike in the town of Vicam , large guns, and scarey drivers, but the hardest part of the trip was adjusting to the crazy driving. If the speed limit says 100 kph, drive 80 mph, if it drops to 60 kph, drive 60 mph. It's madness, and people drive all over the road not caring about right or left and when you turn left you pull over right first. But it works. Just drive safe and slow for towns.
 Can you believe that LEMON?!

   Obregón is a wealthier city. It has poor people too but people have cars for the most part and wear nice cloths. The pollution is bad and the roads are crazy, but the food is fresh and cheap and the people are nice.
I've had fun with family.

Made new friends and ate lots of amazing food at restaurants, stands and the Tianguis. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


To head out on this trip we camped by New Orleans.  Our campground at Segnette Bayou State Park, had nice bathrooms, free laundry, walking paths everywhere, and playgrounds for kids. This is a much better way to stay close to the city, budget friendly, and you don't have to eat out all the time.
I really like how close we were to the beautiful nature of Louisiana. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Orleans

I was able to enjoy the city of New Orleans with not only my awesome sister, brother-in-law, and adorable niece, but also with my best friend of so many years, Bianca. It was an awesome surprise! We ate at Toast a couple times for breakfast yummy!!! And ate some great crawfish feeds at any local place we could. (Sorry I don't remember the names of those killer places) The city was a sight to see. I'm not a city girl and the party scene was kind of... well gross through alot of the city but I'm glad I got to see the city with my family and  adopted family :)
it was awesome to see such old architecture.
The cemetery was neat to see.

and it was so wild to see the destruction of Katrina in parts of the city.

Thanks for bringing me along and having Bianca there for all our fun John and Bekah!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Cruising on the Carnival Dream

Cruises are hard to compare. The trips were totally different.  The first cruise was with family, but I stayed with and spent most of my time with my friend. We stayed up late and did what we wanted and never made it to breakfast because we needed sleep so much. I also traveled over Christmas the second cruise on the  Carnival Dream, so that changed the dynamic too. I will do my best to compare nonetheless.

The ships: Royal Caribbean

  • had a Rockwall yay
  • had a crummy inline skating track boo
  • needed to care for the ice skating rink more often boo
  • better hottubs yay
Carnival Dream
  • Had waterslides yay
  • outdated decor boo
  • had great buffet options with specific restaurants yay
  • lines were long at buffet boo
  • much cheaper yay

They both had good food, good entertainment and gyms,  the rooms were the same, and had good stuff for kids. I care most about price so since they are both comparable I would book the cheaper would I go again. After traveling for longer beforehand, I feel like cruises are a great sampler. You don't get to experience the culture and the real feel of the place but if you do it right, it gives you  a good opportunity to see more if you don't have much time.  I had a great time.

Thanks John and Bekah for having me join this trip.