Saturday, February 28, 2015

Goodbye México

I had a wonderful group of friends send me off before my new adventure with food, games, and music. What more could anyone want?

It just goes to show you can find true friendships anywhere in the world. Thank you for welcoming me into your group!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Nature and Views of Álamos

Pictures are great but I highly recommend you see this in person.

Flowers towered above us on the many ancient walls.

This is just someone's entryway.

church built in the 1800s

isn't this just a perfect little house?!

It was hard to believe how big this vine was!

so many places for me to climb!

It really is a special town. I always have a hard time not sharing all the photos!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Last Hurrah in Álamos

  I couldn't have left México without another trip to say goodbye in style. So we took a brief daytrip to see the beautiful city of Álamos.

 After a wonderful meal at Las Palmeras, we headed out to town. But first, look at this restaurant!
and a surprising entryway...
but check out this bar!
I mean really! Look at that!

 but I digress... on to the city. 
   This place was beautiful! The streets were such a site, so full of history and architecture
The mountain view was worth the trip. It was so green and refreshing there.

The ancient cobblestone streets were like a trip back in time.

Aren't my parents cute!

I hope you enjoyed this nice walk through Álamos. More to come!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

San Carlos and Guaymas

This time, we made it to the ocean.  We stayed at the   Hotel de Playa de Cortez   in Guaymas, an old hotel with beautiful architecture. It was so much better then staying some place new, and  it had an enjoyable ocean view.

from the bay of the hotel we saw several stingrays, squids, and a plethora of large fish. It didn't matter that it is Mexico, it's still winter, so the water was cold cold cold. Wetsuits helped, but not our legs and arms. 

When we snorkled, we saw lots of rocks and plants, but few fish. If I stay here in the Sea of Cortez, I will be trying other beaches. Fingers crossed, I should get a job here and get a chance to live in this beautiful town a bit longer. 

Guaymas is a huge city! It is neat to look at, but the traffic is painful. San Carlos is just my size, but very full of expats, which means alot of places are spendy. It's a trade off but if  I get to spend more time there, I will post my recommendations. So there you go! Come visit this beautiful sea!