Friday, April 24, 2015

A Few Beautiful Sights

I don't even mind the trek to town. It may seem like a nuisance to drive so far whenever I need anything from civilization, but with a view like this, it's more of an event then an issue. You are looking at my favorite part of the road back. I've had nice opportunities to see some beauty in the area. The first of which was Magnetic Rock. It was nice, but honestly I enjoyed the walk to see it more than the rock itself. Although, I did give it a little climb despite my lack of equipment. 

The rock 
 itself was big and beautiful, but still,  just a rock to me. Rumor says it will freak out any old compass but I didn't bring anything to test it out on so I suppose you should try it out yourself.
 I definitely recommend the hike if not for anything else, for the views. It was a short, easy hike anyone can do so you can bring even kids. But if you want to see any Moose you might have to keep it a little quieter.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Warming up to the Locals

Living this remote has its own challenges and advantages. My first challenge has been trying to get the locals to accept me. This last week I finally got two of them to really warm up to me. Doris was the first. Although she was quite shy like her friends, I could tell she would be the first to befriend me of the group.  She didn't even like the idea of coming near me but the fact that I could be kind of noisy around her was a good sign. Next thing you know she was letting me pet her.

Oh yeah. Doris is a deer. Now she peeks her head in my door almost daily when I leave the door open for fresh air.

My other friend is Fredrick (pronounced Froad-rick). I really thought after a few weeks he'd be the first to approach me. He's always been a bit of a chatter box and has been hanging around for quite some time, but it wasn't until recently that he accepted me as trustworthy. Now he is eating out of my hand and yells in my house when he wants food. I love that about the guy.

Now you may have thought this post was about people, but up here, the locals are not the people. We all try to be respectful of the real locals and as funny as it seems, it might be harder to capture the humans on camera then it was to get these guys. Everyone has been real nice, though, and treats you like a family. It has been a real treat living in this beauty.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Living on the outskirts

I'm no stranger to living unordinarily,  but this is a new adventure.  At night, if the moon isn't bright, it's pitch black and ultra silent. No phone, highly limited internet, driving at night is dangerous because you could hit an animal, the people are social and friendly, (as few as there is) and you have a lot more time to think since each trip to civilization has a direct purpose and becomes an event.

I may not be in the mountains, but there is many of the same perks as living in the mountains.  

Life is such an adventure, I'm just happy mine has led me here.

If you have any questions for me, please comment so I can create a post on it.