Friday, May 29, 2015

Oh Canada Oh Canada and additional hiking

I live on the border. I literally look at Canada every day. But it wasn't until this month that I finally made it. Just across from the Gunflint Lodge, is what we call "the narrows", a view of where Gunflint Lake goes into Magnetic Lake. That is our border.  The left is the United States,  the right is Canada. And I was so excited to explore a little bit of Canada. Now you are supposed to get a little hiking visa before you do this so don't go getting yourself in trouble because this excites you too, but I dropped on over to the Canada side for a nice little hike. I went to the highest point in the immediate area for these views and my oh my I'm sure glad I did.

I also dropped by the historic  Dutch Ovens. Next we moved on down the lake to check out a mysterious ladder on the US side.

It led us to a beautiful little trail.

And an adorable,  completely off the grid cabin.

Since obviously this little place has an owner out there, we abandoned our snooping to head on down to Bridal Falls. They aren't too big but oh my how I love something about falling water always.

I just had to climb it.

Watch out for tics though, I found them all over me, and for days after searching myself, showering and all.

Oh and I made a friend- I call him Buddy, but I scared him and he pee'd on me a little.

Last stop was a nice glance at Galliger Island . After passing the marker noting where the US-Canada border is, in Magnetic Lake, is this beautiful little private island owned by some awesome guys I've had the opportunity to visit with a bit. They claim the island has some mysterious things go about with it, but to me I do nothing but admire the history and architecture that has been preserved so carefully for our viewing.

Overall it was a wonderful venture on a rented boat through Gunflint Lodge. Good company, good views, good times.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Gunflint Activities

As an employee at Gunflint Lodge, I have access to certain activities that normally would cost money. The first one I took advantage of was horseback riding.

I am not an experienced rider by any means, but our guides were competent, interesting,  and funny, and the horse was gentle and well trained even though I was his first rider this season. I was so happy to enjoy this.

The second activity I enjoyed was ziplining! I love ziplining, so I wasn't concerned, but even if I was such as my first timer roommate was, the guides prepared us well and were assuring that our safety was their priority. We had a blast and the guides were such a key role in it all.

There are some awesome perks to living on the road and working at a cool place like this.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Lonely Lake and Outlook Point

Just minutes from my house lies a nice trail leading to Lonely Lake. It was such a nice walk and it made me look forward to a summer floating around in the waters. The water was warm and clear so I saw many small creatures including minnows,  Freshwater Leeches, and many many small bugs all over the water tops.
Such a nice little lake

Check out that leech! They were like mini eels!
On my hike back, I saw a sign that had an arrow to outlook point, so I decided to check I
it out.
I saw the begining of one of the ziplines!

And the view to the outlook point was worth the detour!

If you pass the outlook point, there is a nice little private view, bench and all.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Agua Bonita de Minnesota

Today was sightseeing day. None of us had work and two of us were new so it seemed as good as time as any to enjoy a nice view. First we went to the Temperance River  where we skipped rocks and just enjoyed the air.

 Totally worth the quick stop. I wish my photo could capture the moment.
Next we stopped at Tettegouche Waterfall to see the waterfall. I climbed around until I found a nice dry spot to sit where I could still get misted. So loud and absolutely enjoyable. It's crazy how peaceful that much noise could be. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Blonde Moment

So I pulled a "smart" move recently. I may have parked my car on top of a hill, locked it and walked away. That is not necessarily the problem though.  No, I didn't lock my keys in the car, I did that fine. I just didn't put it in park. I even remember saying "my keys have been getting stuck in the ignition a lot lately.... which makes me wonder how many times I have left my car in drive. So anyways. .. this is the result
so yeah... the worst part is I was talking to my friends when it happened and I yelled "My car!" and they were all, "That tree just fell." And I accepted that as the the truth. It was true. The tree did fall, but it was the result of my car hitting it
 :( so yeah. 
The next day I had to watch the wrecker   tow it out while my stomach was tearing me apart. Turns out the only thing I damaged on my engine is the O2 censor! I got off really easy!!