Saturday, July 25, 2015

Minneapolis Part 2- Mall of America

    Now I've been spending the vast majority of my time in small, remote places since August of last year, so a trip to the cities seemed super fun. We did not realize how over-stimulating and crazy it would be!

    First, we were overwhelmed by the size of the place! Three story's high and crazy big! To find something specific I had to get a map and/or find a security guard to ask for directions.  I know, I know, I'm the worst at directions so that shouldn't mean much, but I had a friend there that was a local and she even does that so there you go.

   We went to the Nickelodeon Amusement Park to look around and chose to ride the Spongebob roller coaster.  It was perfect because we all love Spongebob and it was a very scary coaster!  It was the turquiose one on the left going streight up in my photo.

     Before retreating back to the wilderness we just had to see the new Jurassic Park movie at the Mall of America Theatre. It was an amazing trip with an awesome finish. I am a huge Jurassic Park fan and I was not let down.

   Over all, I feel like the Mall of America was a utopia, like what people in other countries think America looks like. Big and fancy and clean with white tile floors and lots of rich white people with lots of money to spend at expensive stores. But maybe that's just what I think of utopia America is and looked like. It was fun, but definitely not a final destination for me. I'm going back to nature where I belong!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Minneapolis Part 1-live music

    I took a trip to Minnneapolis to see two amazing bands. The first one, Ethan Tucker, I have already seen in this blog when he was in Dallas. He is an amazing musician with super chill bluegrassy, reggae type music and is also my brother. It was so awesome to see him even for such a short trip.

(Not my photo)

   He played an awesome show like he always does and was followed by John Butler Trio. It was an awesome show held at the Weesner Amphitheater at the zoo! I had a great time with friends and family this trip!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Walking Among Wildflowers

The Northwoods have became so much more beautiful since the flowers started blooming so I figured it was time to share.

Lesser Stitchwort

Bird's-Foot Trefoil and Ox-eye daisy


Bog Laurel

Labrador Tea
correct me in the comments if I'm wrong. I looked them all up in the book Wildflowers of the Boundry Waters.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Furry Little Friend

Ok, I'll confess. I'm a bit of a critter person. Last week when we were fishing I was super adoring this baby squirrel when my friend Dave caught it in his jacket while it proceeded tocuddle up and steal our hearts. As much as we all would love a furry little pet, we knew we did not have the resources to care for him and he needed the wild so he was released tohis happy little island. Now, just recently, I was walking up to the payphone to call my family when I saw a chipmunk acting kind of funny. He would run about two hops then just stop, and do it again. I feared he may have been injured so I put my hand on the ground by him and he willingly accepts the offer and flops over onto his side into my hand.
The little guy was so exhausted he closed his eyes. I am almost exploding from the cuteness I go to my friend's appartment and holler thru the door for them to open it, startling the little guy so he proceeds to bite me a few times. Now I'm screaming for them to hurry so I could drop the disoriented baby indoors. He plays the same act of not having strength while I scoop him up. We think he may have eaten some fermented Baneberries and gotten drunk. It was hard to tell but I gave him lots of pets and some cashews and let him go back to his weird self in the wild. If you want to see a video of the weird way he was walking you can check out my instagram under loves2hang. 
 He was so funny in that box.
what a tiny baby!