Monday, November 25, 2013

Icy Weekend

I have never seen anything like the weather this weekend. We got rain, sleet, and snow all weekend, and all of it froze on impact. It was kinda awesome, minus the no water part. Roads were closed, all churches and meetings were canceled, and schools remain closed today.
Here's what the grass looks like...
My neighbor's yard....

Mi bicicleta

After 20 mins of attempting, dumping hot water and using a knife we were able to open my car door. 30 mins of defrosting and this  is what I scraped off my windshield.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Color Run 2013

    I really enjoy running. Running makes me feel sane again. It makes my body feel healthy and makes me sleep better. My friends here have begun running also, so when we heard about the Color Run, we knew it was something we had to do.
We made masks...

We had a blast!

And of course, we went out to eat like this :) thanks for coming guys! 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sibley Nature Trails

In my constant struggle to find nature, I seek out any and all outdoor activities close to home.  In my searches this week, I found myself walking the Sibley Nature Trails. Not quite as impressive as the I-20 Nature Preserve, but still a nice walk.
There's a cute little pond with a Texas-style deer-hunting house to climb....

endless frogs to observe...


some old stuff to look at....

A firepit (I definitely need to come back to this!) And a nice little park for kids across the way. Just a little something worth trying if you live in the Midland/Odessa area.