Monday, December 30, 2013


Roatán, Honduras was indescribable. Nothing I could say could put a word picture that would even compare to the beauty I saw.  The town was so fun to look at and the shops were so cute.  There are some people that are a bit in your face (like they walk with you everywhere you go and expect a tip for showing you around) but overall I loved the smiles and just people watching all in all.  The water was a breathtaking  aqua-such a beautiful color, the air was humid and warm, and the plants were unbelievably rich and healthy.  I couldn't have been more happy to be there. We snorkled at Upachaya, held a live sea urchin, held live starfish (don't take them out of the water or they will get air in them and float, leaving them vulnerable to predators), saw a sting ray, a puffer fish, a lion fish, and so much more on the reef. The property was wonderous and the vegan lunch was exactly what I needed on a day like that. You can see a video of the whole thing here

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