I hear things like "don't go to Mexico, they kill you for being white" "if you travel alone you will get killed" "you can't cross the border, it's too dangerous" and many more, but I will tell you my personal views on it, take it or leave it.

Yes, I left while the sun was still down, yes, I took two short cuts to avoid tolls (on roads I was semi familiar with) and yes I, 24 year old white female with childish Spanish drove alone with a car completely stuffed full of things.

I found the trip beautiful.

The towns were as welcoming as the people.

I got my windows cleaned when I stopped, and I trusted my bike with two little boys in the middle of nowhere while I used their bathroom. My bike, ironically got stolen the day after I made it to the states, while I was inside for an hour eating breakfast.

If you are concerned for your safety, treat it like the US. Don't drive a fancy car in a poor area, don't flaunt your money, treat people with respect, tip people who work for it, and if you use tolls you know you are safe. There is a phone number on your toll receipt that you can call if you are in trouble (car or personal) and the police and a tow truck will take you to the next toll which has everything you need. I survived with no issues. Learn how the locals handle the rough roads and adjust and big tip, try to speak a little of their language, you are in their country and you'd be suprised what a simple gracias can do to break the ice.

If you are wondering, despite my detour and shortcuts, this was my route....
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