Saturday, August 29, 2015

How to travel more often

    I've heard it time and time again. "I don't have the money to travel" "I wish I could travel" well  I got news for you. I do not have alot of money. Anyone could travel if they make it a priority. Last time I worked for two years and took seven months off and now I'm working for about 10 months and taking 4 months off. All you have to do is make travel a priority. Yes, it helps to have a job that takes you places, but most of the big travelers I meet work resorts, temp jobs, jobs with high turnover like waiting tables, really anything to get them to the next destination.  It really is a lifestyle choice. I make most of my meals at home and work long hours. I have a budget for fun and going out to eat and drink but it's not a whole lot. I make financial goals for my savings and for my travel budget and they are two separate accounts because you never know when you might  cut open your leg in the tropics, or just take a little longer then you expected to get a job. You have to ask yourself... do I want stuff? Or travel? To go out to eat or to bars all the time? Or to see new countries? I don't wear fancy clothes and everything I own fits in my car, but if you plan, budget, and prioritize, you can travel too.

    How do I budget when I'm abroad. I always bring more then I think I need. Every once in a while, it's nice to go to the nicer place to eat instead of buying local groceries. I like to give myself money to go out a couple times a month when I'm traveling. I do not enjoy keeping track of my money manually, so for me personally, I take out the money for the week or month with an ATM using my international bank account so I don't get all the fees, and when I'm out, that's it for me. It's back to rice and beans til next withdrawal. Once again, it's a lifestyle choice. If you want to travel, well... it's honestly up to you. I personally think the sacrafices are well worth the experiences.

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