Saturday, June 4, 2016

Swimming in a Cenote

 There are a lot of cenotes in the Yucatan to choose from. I saw signs for cenotes everywhere. some were a fortune, some were packed full of people, it was a hard decision and we thought we were lost when we finally found it, I couldn't be happier. This  cenote was owned by a very nice family, the water was cool and refreshing, and we were the only ones there.
 It was really cheap too!
 It was pretty hard to capture the beauty of it all because it was so dark in there, but the water was unbelievable. I just had to hold my camera really still using night vision.
The water was so clear, it was hard to tell where it was when you jumped in so it was kind of shocking every time. You could see John swimming so far down it was creepy, but awesome that you could see that far.

I was so proud of Zoey for jumping in. She needed a wet-suit because she gets cold easily. There was a little kayak in there to float around on, and I brought my snorkel gear so I could see the black fish swimming all over in the water. It was definitely an experience of a lifetime. Please support Cenote Palomitas.

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