Saturday, June 11, 2016

The Unforgettable Ruins of Coba

        Coba had it all. There wasn't too many people, it was shady and cool, and you can climb many of the ruins. Everything about it was awesome. I really like that people don't know about it as much. It is much more of a local destination, just the way I like it.
Everywhere you look there is more ruins, beautifully uncovered.

       The paths to each section of Coba are well groomed, but kept as natural as they could while still making it easy for bike and walking traffic. Normally this isn't an issue, but I did almost hit my face on a snake that was hanging from the tree branches. I was very lucky Teddy saw it and pushed me out of the way. I looked up the snake, and it is hard to tell if it was venomous or not from memory, but even if it was, the species it might have been isn't too bad. Just a warning to make sure you keep your eyes open and don't walk around without paying attention. The odds are in your favor though, snakes don't normally like people.

 I thought it was nice how they put huts up on certain alters and such, to make it as close to the way the ancient Mayans did as possible.

The view from the top is just too hard to capture from a traditional camera.
 No matter what, it does make for a nice backdrop for photos. Over all, I was really happy to visit this site.

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