Saturday, November 29, 2014

More Nicaragua

There is so much to see in this amazing place, you just have to go yourself.
Embrace the madness of the market. (Don't get lost and don't be oblivious-pickpockets are everywhere and people get their bags stolen all the time off their backs)

play a little with the 
inexpensive souvineers.

Go to the central park.

And don't forget to bring cash for the street performers. Watch here!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Lake Cocibolca

I just couldn't let my injury slow me down, so I went on a walk that led me here.

I was just on a walk, observing this beautiful country...

And architecture
when I was offered a deal I couldn't say no to. For $8 I went on an amazing boat tour through Lake Cocibolca (Lake Nicaragua if you're no fun). Worth every penny! 

Best choice taking this trip. Fresh coconuts, social parrots and monkeys, and beautiful flowers and sights. Monkey Video!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Emergency Room (warning if you don't like blood this will be no fun)

.... I slipped.  That's it. It all happened so fast.  I thought I just banged my shin but when I pulled back I saw this
instantly knew I needed stitches. I tell Luke I might pass out (which I did) and upon waking up he ties it off, I laugh like a crazy person (seriously, I couldn't stop! Is that shock or am I clincally insane?), and we decide it's probably time to hike back and get me some stitches. But first, let's take some pictures!
Smile Luke!

Holes in my leg doesn't spoil my fun

It's me! And the nail that got me.

After about a mile, we got to hitchhike with some friendly locals who took us to a cab.
coolest cab ever btw
Nicaraguan emergency rooms are very different from what i'm used to. First of all it was outdoors and "dirty" by American standards. (Dead bugs, spider webs, dirty mops...)
The room he worked on me in was full of people and there was no sanitary precautions that I am used to seeing. He did his best and I was numb for the first half....not so much the second half. I laughed unbelievably hard (seriously I'm nuts)
The horrible pain!!!
Yup , that's my blood, which they proceeded to leave.

Looks much better right?

Thank you Luke for all the help!!!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Hiking Mombacho

Granada has two beautiful volcanoes next to it.  The first one, pictured here, is Masaya, but we chose to hike beautiful Mombacho for the amazing views.
For $10, I could've taken a cab to the trailhead, but with a road this beautiful, why not hoof it?!

About 6 miles into hitchhiking and hiking the extremly steep roads, I saw a view that I just couldn't resist. I step up on a nearby ledge to take this photo and...... Continue reading here

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Ziplining Mombacho

If you go to Granada, do this! I booked the Miravalle Canopy Tour through my hotel as soon as we got to Nicaragua and it was amazing!

 The tour was right over a beautiful coffee plantation, with Cocoa growing sporadically also. I've been zip lining several times in the past and this was by far the craziest, best tour I have ever done. They keep it exciting,  joke around alot, and make each one different.  They also take pictures and videos for you. This was worth every penny!

Look at my videos herehere, and this one too.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hotel Spa Granada

Upon arrival in Granada, we quickly settled into beautiful Hotel Spa Granada. It is in the heart of Granada in one of the oldest colonial style houses and it's a Chocomuseo yummmmmm. They give you a chocolate upon entering (to die for), serve complementary breakfast ( can't get enough chocolate), give you a free spa treatment (yay for massages!!), give you chocolate tea (unheard of), and seriously, check it out!!! Oh and you need to try that coffee! !
That view!!!

no justice to the beauty here

Ok that's better. Thanks  Luke!

 in shower!!

Ducks in the pool

So cute when they want to bite 

Look at that beautiful sink!
just amazing!
High ceilings!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The City of Granada

   I'm by no means a city girl but this place was absolutely beautiful!  Granada, Nicaragua is the oldest European city of mainland America with deep roots in Spanish influence and architecture.  The buildings are beautiful,  elegant,  and full of vibrant colors.  Since it began in the 1500's it is full of amazing views everywhere you go!