Sunday, December 11, 2011


Day 2:
So bright and early we checked out of The Lodge and headed out to the mountain. Now I'd recommend parking on the side that is right off the main drag and not on Warm Springs road. There's a upper parking lot that is further away and the lower one right next to the lodge. The reason I recommend this side is because all the best runs are on the sunny side of the mountain and Warm Springs is not the sunny side. Now even though we got our tickets as a gift I would still recommend staying at The Lodge and getting your ski package though them because it is incredibly cheaper than the lift tickets alone, and you have the bonus of an overnight stay!
The ski lodge was very fancy and had a nice outdoor fire you can relax at if you get hurt ( which I unfortunately did) and if you think ski lodge food is expensive elsewhere then double it in Sun Valley ouch! So I'd recommend packing some food. But they did have dollar canned beers which was nice, but back to the mountain. The best part was by far the gondola! I've never ridden on one and it was awesome! Everyone was very nice to us and the ride was beautiful, warm, and relaxing to the top! And did I mention fast! I'm telling you I think every mountain should have one of these!
Now we were there a little early in the year and a little early in a bad snow year to top it off so all the snow there was man made. Now if the man made snow is fresh it's not so bad but if it's been gone over at all it turns rock hard and very icy! In that case I'd highly recommend following the snowmakers all the way down the mountain for the best ride especially if the natural snow isn't so good! Now I also noticed that I was one of the only snowboarders, I later found out that this is because the mountain is so steep and gets so hard it is much easier to maneuver on skis. I rode the gondola and then took the lift to the top and I loved how long we had on the mountain before having to ride back up! Best mountain and lift ride experience but worst snow this time but it was worth the trip because the mountain is something you really have to see! I was told there is about 3000 feet from top to bottom and you can feel it! Your ears will pop every time you ride the gondola! It was great! The snow (as I mentioned earlier) was rock hard and I hurt my tail bone very severely third run of the day so I was bummed out I couldn't ride anymore but I will definitely save up a little to try this again next year! Over all it was a fairly budget friendly trip and I would live to try it again! I hope you learned all you were looking for and check out these places! Until next adventure!

If you want to come check it out visit

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