Friday, September 5, 2014

Arrival in Costa Rica

     My how time flies! I didn't think it would ever be here for so long and look at me now, living in Central America.  I will tell you a bit about everyday life soon enough, but first, I need to share all the adventure we had my first week in Costa Rica.
     We flew into San José early in the morning, leaving us plenty of time to do as we pleased. First thing I needed was a cell phone,  so the search began.  Our immediate feeling of change was based on security. I never been in a place where things were so strict.  Security guys were everywhere,  the parking lots had security,  and some places have a guard at the front that let you in and locked you in. It was very indimidating and I struggled finding a place for my SIM card, struggled through my Spanish when I set it up, and survived. Now we could move along.
     Driving was it's own adventure but we made it. We stayed at Princessa De La Luna in La Fortuna, Costa Rica. An open-air, amazing place welcomed us to Costa Rica.

Arenal Volcano

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