Saturday, March 12, 2016

Scotland- The Highlands and Glencoe thru Loch Ness

I booked a tour thru Rabbie's. It was a nice tour, not too crazy big and our guide was pretty great. Our first stop was Loch Laggan. It was my favorite stop! What a fantastic view!

Then we traveled thru the Highlands to make it to Glencoe. The whole drive was amazing, it's where Skyfall was filmed.
What a great view of the three sisters. Some wild battles happened here in the past that were directly related to MY bloodline. This is the valley where the Campbell's slaughtered the MacDonalds. Ok, so not the best on my part but it was very interesting to hear about this touching history from our guide.

I liked the whole set up. Honestly, I would like to come back and bike this whole area.
 Even when we had a short coffee stop, I enjoyed walking around the towns we stopped in.
Our last stop was Fort Augustus, the home of Loch Ness. Loch Ness is home of what the Scotish refer to as kelpies. They say Nessy is really a kelpie, a horse-like creature that would trick the horse thieves and transform before dragging them into the water into what we know as the Loch Ness monster. They say that kelpies are in every Loch, Loch Ness is just the most known one.

 Not only was the lake beautiful, but walking around town was enjoyable.

I'd like to see this in the summer!

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