Saturday, March 26, 2016

Scotland- Falkirk

 Remember those famous kelpies I told you about? This place has an ode to the majesty of them. Falkirk is not a well known tourist stop. In fact, I was there for a massage class for work. But everyone knows about these awesome sculptures. They were actually causing wrecks so be careful if you are driving that direction to keep your eyes on the road.

 The other main attraction of Falkirk is the Falkirk wheel. This is used for the canal system that runs through town, but I felt like I had to check it out.
 Honestly, I enjoyed the run along the canal a lot more then the final destination but it's just one of those things you have to do. Go to Falkirk, see the wheel. Not really my idea of a wheel but just go with it.
 It did kind of creep me out how friendly these geese were though. It's like they wanted something from me. I'm used to guard geese instead of guard dogs.
It was a nice stop over though. Watch out though, this gets really slick with the rain. It was like running on a ice rink.

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