Saturday, April 2, 2016

Dublin Ireland

 Dublin is a HUGE city! There is a lot to see but it can be overwhelming. My first day I made zero plans, as usual, and when I was asked if I wanted to join a free walking tour. I'm SO GLAD I did! This is a great way to see the city, it shows you more of the city then you might have seen alone, and you learn of all the free fun stuff to do and see. At the end you should tip the guide. Above, you can see the only thing left of the original Dublin Castle from the 1200s.
As you can see there are many different eras of architecture, side by side, in this city.
Here is a view of the River Liffy that runs through the center of the city.
    I'd like to go back to Dublin for a day and hit up all the museums with my favorite history buff, but this city is just too big for me. The streets reminded me of those videos of New York in movies, and I don't want to party every night so I think Dublin is nice for a day, but I wouldn't stay there for too long personally.

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