Saturday, April 30, 2016

WWOOFing Ireland

      I wanted to try everything when I traveled. I heard about this idea of WWOOFing and decided to give it a shot. The idea is, you work on these organic farms in exchange for rooming, food, and an opportunity to learn. I loved my experience and I feel like I learned so much about the vegan lifestyle (not all wwoofing farms are vegan, but it will say when you look at the individual page, I just thought I'd like to try it out) and a lot about Ireland and living on a farm. She had the two cutest pigs I have ever seen named Rebekah and Legend. I'm pretty sure they think they are dogs. It absolutely cracked me up. She also had a nice pony named Magic.
    I shared in many duties such as cleaning up equipment for making the place off grid, working on her Eco-friendly fence, helping out with her horticulture studies, and feeding the animals. We took a couple nights off and enjoyed Latin dancing in Kilkenny and we both learned a lot about the lifestyle differences from Europe to North America. You should absolutely check out her blog out at and listen to her radio show here to learn more about what she knows. You might learn something!
I'm glad I was able to enjoy this opportunity.

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