Saturday, May 7, 2016

Europe Over All- Lessons Learned, Tips, Budgeting

      I learned so much on my trip. Most of what I learned was about myself, but some of my newfound tips can be shared.
     If you are living in the United States and are looking to do a big trip to Europe, you can do it for cheap. I spent one month and spent less than $1500 including 6 different flights, 4 hotel rooms, and food and doing tours. Your flight will be the spendiest part, but if you are studious about it, you can find great deals, with a few tips and tricks, but be patient.  Actually, that applies to everything on the big trip plans.

Tip #1 Be Patient
       I booked my flight from Boston to Iceland for $79, still under $100 after all taxes and fees were handled. Now, I know what you are thinking, "but I don't live in Boston." This is where the patience and tricky tips come in. I used to find a cheap flight to Boston. I used my phone to book my Boston to Iceland deal, and my tablet to book from Minneapolis to Boston. Now I still live 7 hours of winter driving to Minneapolis, so that was where my hotel #1 came in. I booked both tickets at once to make sure I have the perfect, 3 hour (don't cut that short! You need every second to get out of security, and back in with your next airline ticket in hand) cut between flights. Now it doesn't always work. My trip back things didn't work out as planned and I didn't make my connecting flight, which takes me to tip #2

Tip #2 Don't Stress Over Every Penny
     So things don't always go as planned, you buy a bottle of booze and it's cheaper at the next place you go, you miss your flight because it got delayed and you have to book a room in a strange city and the cabs are expensive, you get ripped off on your room because you booked it on the weekend. Things go wrong, it will cost you money, but you can't stress over it.

Tip #3 Go With The Flow
     I arrive in Iceland with no plans, I didn't book a hotel, I didn't book a tour, I put my name out there on and it all worked out. I did come across a couple of kinks in the road, like when I went in the wrong house and made it in the news. Which leads me to tip #4

Tip #4 Laugh At Yourself
    So I was horribly embarrassed at the huge misunderstanding and apologetic despite the language barrier, but we all make mistakes. It's unhealthy to take it too seriously.

Tip #5 Try To Learn A Little About The Languages Spoken Widely
    This goes along with the laugh at yourself. Even if you don't learn a few phrases, at least learn to read it, it is incredibly hard to get directions to a place if you don't know how to read the word to ask people where it is, or even what you would call the first letter in the word such as when I went snorkeling. Also, people appreciate your effort, even if it just hello, thank you, and goodbye.

Tip #6 Talk To People
     If you are traveling alone, or even with people, talking to people is the best way to get tips on what tours to do (or not to do), the best or cheapest places to stay, and just great places to eat or walk.

Tip #7 Don't Make Plans
    I didn't plan ANYTHING for my trip, and it was the best trip of my life. When you don't make plans, you leave yourself open to do new things with the new people you meet. Because I didn't make plans, I was able to stay up late and go out with a group of 13 new friends I made that day and I got to do all the tours that other people payed hundreds for, for wayyyy cheaper. Which leads me to Tip#8...

Tip #8 Make Your Own "Tours"
    Rent a car, buy a map, and make it your own. When you google the tours, they tell you all  the main stops, but I can not emphasize enough how great it was to do these tours with just a couple people. I saw whole buses full of people arrive at the places we saw alone. We made as many stops as we wanted, we packed our own lunches instead of paying a fortune for the tour box lunches, and we spent only about $20/person.

Tip #9 Make Friends With EVERYONE
     This ties in nicely with tip#6. The more you talk to people, the more you will find that most people, especially travelers, are AWESOME! I really liked couchsurfing for meeting people too. Thru couchsurfing, I was able to make friends with some awesome locals that know the area and people from 6 different countries. Hostels are another great place to make friends, as well as free walking tours. You will make friends for life, you will have friends who you can visit and can visit you, and you will have a blast.

Tip #10 Do What You Want!
     You know what is fantastic about traveling alone? When you get sick of being around people, you can get a hotel. When you want to spend the day in hot springs, do it. If you want to run run run all over the place and never stop until you are asleep, go for it. Traveling alone is a beautiful thing. Check out my video below.

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