Saturday, July 23, 2016

Canoe Races At Gunflint Lodge

     Every year Gunflint Lodge hosts the Canoe Races to raise money for the volunteer fire department. Vendors from all over the Northwoods area donate money and things to help fund it. We had two breweries donate free beer the whole time and raffles to win a ridiculous amount of free stuff. Anyone can sign up and the events get pretty hilarious.

     This was my first year attending this event. It was a beautiful day and there was a crazy amount of people for this lake. I trained for about 15 minutes before the races start and jumped into the Gunnel Pumping Race. Gunnel pumping is a ridiculous event where you stand on the back of the canoe on the gunnels, or ridges, of the canoes above the seat and jump to make the canoe move, instead of paddling. It is completely impossible to steer from there, and you don't get far each jump. It was so funny though. This event is a great one for goofing off and laughing at yourself, and if you are good at board sports, it is easy to balance. I attached a video of the event for your enjoyment.

     If you ever are in  the Northwoods in July, I would recommend these races for a good laugh and fun.

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