Saturday, July 16, 2016

Kakabeka Falls, Onterio

      Living in the middle of nowhere is nice for many reasons. Nature is right outside my front door, I don't see people on their phones everywhere I go, and I don't spend my money on stuff I don't need. On the other hand, sometimes you need to get things, and you just can't. We live equal distance between Duluth, Minnesota and Thunder Bay, Ontario. As a result, when I need to go shopping, I go to Canada. Thunder Bay is a nice town, full of polite people. I do wish Americans had such a good stereotype. The thing I like most about Thunder Bay is not the shopping or the people though, it's that it is completely surrounded by the most beautiful nature.

      Just a 15 minute drive or so from the city center is Kakabeka Falls. The drive reminded me of the years I spent driving through southern Montana. I half expected to see a sign saying I was close to Hamilton. The pines are tall and bushy, and in the distance I can see sharp cliffs all around.

     Upon entering the park, you have to pay $3 (CAD) for parking for the hour, but it is well worth it for this view. Not only is the roaring waterfall astonishing, but the glass-like water running over the perfectly cut granite rock is unreal. The view looking down the canyon looked like a painting as the mist from the waterfall creates fog that rolls through the area. Next time I take a trip to Canada, I would love to spend a lot more time to explore this area. There are camping spots right by the falls and the whole area looks fantastic for hiking and swimming. I could not emphasize enough how much I recommend this area.

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