Friday, May 1, 2015

Blonde Moment

So I pulled a "smart" move recently. I may have parked my car on top of a hill, locked it and walked away. That is not necessarily the problem though.  No, I didn't lock my keys in the car, I did that fine. I just didn't put it in park. I even remember saying "my keys have been getting stuck in the ignition a lot lately.... which makes me wonder how many times I have left my car in drive. So anyways. .. this is the result
so yeah... the worst part is I was talking to my friends when it happened and I yelled "My car!" and they were all, "That tree just fell." And I accepted that as the the truth. It was true. The tree did fall, but it was the result of my car hitting it
 :( so yeah. 
The next day I had to watch the wrecker   tow it out while my stomach was tearing me apart. Turns out the only thing I damaged on my engine is the O2 censor! I got off really easy!!

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