Friday, September 25, 2015

Mushrooms of Snipe Lake

The views of Snipe Lake were beautiful,  but I not only loved the big views, but I just love the little things.
Amethyst Deceiver

Look at the size of this one!

Hen Of The Woods

Orange Mycena

Aborted Entoloma
I feel like I might have scared off all the faireys with my tromping but I'm sure they were around. All names from Let me know if any are wrong or if you know of any that I couldn't identify.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Canoe Trip to Ham Lake

Gunflint Lodge has a great thing where they can hook you up with canoes, camp food, and other backpacking supplies before dropping you off and picking you up at any lake. We had a lot of our own supplies and are employees so it was super free for us but still, what a deal!
The views were seriously hard to beat!

My favorite parts are when we were paddling through narrow rivers!

The portages were hard enough with just my backpack, there's no way I could carry that canoe!

I loved that 360 view from a rock in the middle of Snipe Lake!If you plan to do this without a company, please note that you have to pay for permits and get day passes and stuff in this area so  be sure to drop by an Outfitters, and grab a map on your way, the portages can be easy to miss. It was a nice eascape from people, and bonus, we saw a bear cub on the side of the road on the drive back CUTE!!!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Hiking Pincushion Mountain

So I heard there used to be a Ski Mountain on a Pincushion mountain that has great views so I just had to check it out. The hike was just about 5 minutes from Grand Marais and well worth it. The trails were not specifically marked but I think we hiked the Sawtooth Outlook.
It's hard to tell from this picture, but there is an amazing view of Grand Marais. 
And here's a quick zoom in...
There was only one thing I should warn you about the hike... it starts at the sign for Pincushion mountain but it takes you a mile or so along the road until you cross it down the hill a bit at this place that was a road at one time before it climbs the mountain. We thought it was weird but what do you do I guess. Don't say I didn't warn you! I suppose it would be just as easy to park there and save the time. Anyways, check it out and bring a nice camera, you won't regret it!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Hanging out in Ontario

I go to Canada all the time, but I've never been across an official border crossing. It was such a beautiful province. 

I just couldn't quit taking photos it was so pretty.

With fields of flowers all around...

And beautiful valleys.