Saturday, June 27, 2015


I have been ntroduced to the wonderful world of fishing! I've gone many times before and never really felt a big draw but now that I have a good catch, I'm just as hooked as this Pike. The fishing is great up here in the boundary waters, especially if you are set up for a beautiful, semi-stormy day (that we so often have), a nice little boat to get you around, goodfriends, and a few leeches. My friends were awesome fishermen and we all caught something followed by a fantastic fish feast at my apartment building to celebrate our sucesses. If you have lots of fishing experience, or basically none like me, I'd still highly recommend this to you if you are heading up to the North Woods of Minnesota.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Kayaking to Canada

Yes you heard me right.  My new thing is kayaking to Canada. Gunflint Lake is a boundary water and in less then 30 minutes of relaxing kayaking, you can arrive (illegally) at Canada. I love it! It is so relaxing and the views are hard to beat.
Remember that spike in this post? Here it is close up!
I think I got a droplet on my lense but the water was clear as glass.
If you look real hard at the shore in this picture you can see Gunflint Lodge from Canada. 
This cute little place was on the Canada side of the Magnetic Lake and Gunflint Lake border.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Honeymooner's Bluff and the Old Gunflint Tower Hikes

There was a couple short hikes I was able to enjoy on the Gunflint trail. The first one, Honeymooner's Bluff, pictured above, was a real short outlook. Don't be deceived though, the stairs are plenty and they are steep. It was well worth the view!

The second short hike I tried on the Gunflint trail, was to the Old Gunflint Tower Outlook. The tower is now just a foundation, but the views along the hike as well as from the top were nice. I would've climbed a tree or something for a better view but I was getting swarmed. So, unless you want to donate blood, wear bug spray. 
 I know I
 it's hard to tell, but you can see almost perfectly 360 degrees from there!

Friday, June 5, 2015


When you live around nature, you are bound to find nature entering your house. We all expect the occasional mosquito or spider or even ant, but my houseguests have taken on a.... larger form. It began with the chipmunk, the bird, followed by the sneaky squirrel who managed to share a room with me for over a week before I chased him out successfully,  but this latest one was quite a trip. I came out of my room and saw something fly by me. I think "bird?" And walk foreword to investigate where I noticed it landed strange on the doorway down the hall. Now I'm thinking it's done sorry of giant moth,, since I've seen much stranger things.  But no, not a moth either.
As I proceed with caution it swoops away from it's perch and goes twords me, resulting in a scream like a little girl combined with a laugh coming from nearby. Now I realize that noise is coming from me, and this is an adorable little bat. 
I tried to be brave and catch it by myself but I ended out asking for help. When I paged maintenance to ask for help with a bat problem I got the reply "Please tell me your kidding" but in the end the rescue was a success. Dracula is safe and sound.