Saturday, January 30, 2016

Iceland's South Coast Part 3- Glaciers and Volcanic Beaches

     The south coast of Iceland was full of amazing sights, even the road was so awesome to see. If I had more battery in my GoPro I would've taken a video of my ride.
 I feel like you can't go to Iceland without seeing some extreme things, like volcanoes, or glaciers! We drove for a long time, but finally made it to Mýrdalsjökull and it was so worth it. It was blowing the whole time with amazing amounts of snow, but to see the snow against the black, volcanic background was so awesome. I didn't go with a tour and I would never recommend going in or on the glacier without a guide so we just enjoyed the views from the bottom. It is far too dangerous to try to go it alone, literally life and death. Ting and I didn't mind the views of the entrance though.
 Not even 10 minutes into the hike to get there something tripped me up. It was my Yaktrax, they had snapped and the spring caught me in the pants and tripped me. Iceland is too tough for normal gear. Maybe I will find a better alternative for my next trip because they were incredibly helpful up to then.
 It really gives you an idea how massive this glacier is!
 I just loved the contrasts. It was an amazing shade of blue!
 Then I headed out to see a view of the wild, black beaches near Vik i Myrdal, The view was awesome, but upon arriving those scary black clouds brought wind. Not just any wind, but wind full of snow, and then hail. The wind was so strong, when I opened up the car door to get in, it sucked our maps out and we caught them, and it took two of us to shut it again. We almost lost the passenger door by the time Ting got it open. It took all of our strength to barely shut it and we couldn't completely shut it til we were off the mountain side.
 It was becoming very dangerous to drive in with all the snow and wind. Our car was too light and small and didn't have four wheel drive so we gave up and headed back.
 It was a smart call. I can drive in the snow, but I know my limits. Every year tourist die trying to drive in Iceland. Be safe, and don't push your limits.

    Heading back it was like night and day. Only twenty minutes down the road and the storm was behind us and we were back in our sunny, beautiful weather. I couldn't leave the south coast without getting a nice shot of the horses of Iceland. The horses in Iceland are built for the weather, and much smaller and more stout then North American horses. Read about it here.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Iceland's South Coast Part 2- Skógafoss Waterfall

   The next stop on the South shore was Skógafoss Waterfall, an absolute must see when you are out and about. It was hard to capture how massive and powerful it was because the closer you get, the wetter you get.
 After climbing endless steps, (honestly you have no idea) Ting and I stopped for a photo shoot.
 It was pretty remarkable, and scary, to be up that high.
 I definitely recommend getting off the beaten path and hiking the area. After a while of hiking, we got to see the most amazing views. I still can't believe how blue that water was.
 I love how small we looked in the beautiful mountainside. The view was unbelievable.
 More remarkable canyons.
 From the top of Skógafoss, you can see for miles. It's really hard to believe what you see.
Don't be afraid to be a trailblazer, the best views are when you are completely alone. Read more about our trip here

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Iceland's South Shore Part 1- Seljalandsfoss Waterfalls

   Once again, I'm taking advantage of my car rental to see more country side for almost nothing. Most of my group had things booked through tour companies this day, so today, it was just me and Ting. This did not stop us at all. We first stopped at Seljalandsfoss Waterfall, where I braved the icy sides to walk behind it. People were sliding down the stairs on their butts because it was less dangerous then walking, but if you go completely across the back side, there is safe stairs on the other side.
    It was accompanies by a few smaller waterfalls, and as usual, remarkable views.
   From the end of the trail you can see all the waterfalls a little bit.
Everything about this countryside is amazing.  Continue reading about the South Shore here.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Mystery House in the Mountain

     So I was driving along the South Shore of Iceland with a good friend when I came across a very peculiar sight.

   Am I looking at this right? Are these buildings being swallowed by the rock around them.  What could have happened here? Volcano? Earthquake? This was incredibly perplexing to me.

    I took a picture of the sign so I could look it up but it came out blurry. I'm not really sure, but from what I found it sounds like the place was built into the rock. Weather or not it is functional, when it was built, and why remains a mystery to me. If you find out any information on this crazy place I would love it if you commented on this post. What a sight!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Golden Circle of Iceland (Geysers and Waterfalls)

   So we continued along our way to see the original Geyser, you know the one all the other ones are named after. It was full of people!! The original Geyser, doesn't really erupt anymore, but we did get a shot of the still active geyser Strokkur.
 I know people love geysers, and that's why it was so packed, but compared to everything else we saw, it was just ok. I was far more interested in the colors formed on the land around the geysers, they were so intense and beautiful. If anything, it is worth it just to see that.

  Our last stop was the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life. I have never been around anything so wild, windy, awe inspiring, uncapturable, just ahhhh it made humanity seem so insignificant compared to the raw power and rage of nature. Gullfoss will make you cry. It will make you reevaluate all the time you waste on any pursuits that don't share this beautiful planet with the world. It will make you want to do anything you can to make sure we can make this planet stay as wild and beautiful and I don't even know.... perfect as possible forever. I couldn't even capture of a glimpse of how amazing it is to see this with your own eyes. This was the most unforgettable sight of my life.