Saturday, November 21, 2015

Running in the Snow!

    Running keeps me sane. It's one of my favorite ways to exercise.  Unfortunately,  the recent snow around me has taken this away. Until today...
    Now I can thoroughly enjoy the views of Lonely lake again.  I recently purchased some Yaktrax.  I tried on a friend's pair before I purchased them, and they seemed pretty great. They did have an issue with coming out of place
 Both when I was running 
and later, when I was hiking. Overall, though, it did give me back some freedom I did not have before I bought them. Yaktrax did not sponsor me  to review this, I just thought I would share my secret to snow running before you hurt yourself. They are perfect on the road and over solid ice, where I didn't have to slow down one bit. I think the uneven trail caused the slippage. I will fiddle with them more and keep you updated if I find better results later on. 
As for Lonely Lake again, photos couldn't capture the beauty I saw.
But I think you can clearly see how amazing this snowglobe I live in is to look at.
 The trail is not far or difficult, and right on Gunflint Lodge property. Just don't forget to watch your head. 

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