Saturday, January 23, 2016

Iceland's South Coast Part 2- Skógafoss Waterfall

   The next stop on the South shore was Skógafoss Waterfall, an absolute must see when you are out and about. It was hard to capture how massive and powerful it was because the closer you get, the wetter you get.
 After climbing endless steps, (honestly you have no idea) Ting and I stopped for a photo shoot.
 It was pretty remarkable, and scary, to be up that high.
 I definitely recommend getting off the beaten path and hiking the area. After a while of hiking, we got to see the most amazing views. I still can't believe how blue that water was.
 I love how small we looked in the beautiful mountainside. The view was unbelievable.
 More remarkable canyons.
 From the top of Skógafoss, you can see for miles. It's really hard to believe what you see.
Don't be afraid to be a trailblazer, the best views are when you are completely alone. Read more about our trip here

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