Saturday, January 16, 2016

Iceland's South Shore Part 1- Seljalandsfoss Waterfalls

   Once again, I'm taking advantage of my car rental to see more country side for almost nothing. Most of my group had things booked through tour companies this day, so today, it was just me and Ting. This did not stop us at all. We first stopped at Seljalandsfoss Waterfall, where I braved the icy sides to walk behind it. People were sliding down the stairs on their butts because it was less dangerous then walking, but if you go completely across the back side, there is safe stairs on the other side.
    It was accompanies by a few smaller waterfalls, and as usual, remarkable views.
   From the end of the trail you can see all the waterfalls a little bit.
Everything about this countryside is amazing.  Continue reading about the South Shore here.

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