Friday, December 5, 2014

Crazy Iguana Adventure

I just heard my roommates scream "no way!" And frantically run for their cameras. Apparently, in the mist of the iguana wars, this guy was chased into the spokes of this bike and his neck was broken. I feel sad for the iguana, but also feel like I shouldn't let his meat go to waste. After allowing for a few more pictures
I begin to untwist the body. I do one flip, now his paws are tangled. So I reach I
in there and grab his paw and unhook it. Although I felt a slight grip, I think nothing of it. Now his other paw is still bad so I do the same. I really feel a grip on my finger this time and I think to myself "rigor mortis?". Still I pick him up again and get his flipped tge reat of tge way. Now to get the head out... I pull.... nope. I push on the nose while pulling in a jerky motion. The iguana freaks out!!! I scream and run back to my classmates "the iguana is alive!!!!" They thought I was messing with them. Now we have a team or rescuers. We got him out only for him to panicked and get his face stuck in another bike. After moving all the bikes we get the security guard and he grabs him by the tail and saves him. Iguana rescue complete!

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