Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Snorkeling Cozumel

I'm back! Beautiful Cozumel, where it's a bit more pricey then other places but if you are smart about it, you can enjoy this beautiful little island with it's beaches, snorkeling, and sights to see for not too much. This time we took a taxi to Chankanaab, paid the entrance, and enjoyed the sea life. Do not, I repeat, do not book this through your ship! They charge you way more than we paid and you will be stuck in a crowd!

   Our favorite part was the snorkeling!  The water was so many beautiful colors of aqua and  was swarming with so many colorful fish and squids!

There was two statues in the water for you to go swim out to...

And last but not least the beach and palms

If you were planning on going their for the dolphins, forget it. You can't get close to them without paying mucho $$. But overall I was impressed by how well they kept up the nature and beauty.

 We had fun on the imitation ruins too.

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