Saturday, November 7, 2015

Missouri Roadtrip

    I've never given a second thought to Missouri in my life. I passed through it briefly on my way to Minnesota from Mexico, but not enough to leave me any impression at all. When I arrived, I was pleasantly surprised.
   I was in Jefferson city and the surrounding area for the whole trip. It is a beautiful place to enjoy the fall colors. It was very warm compared to the cold, back in Minnesota. It was a little humid and warm the whole time, perfect weather as far as I'm concerned.

 Look how happy this dog is playing in these leaves.
 Contrasting fall colors..
 I think this is my version of a selfie.
 This giant enthralled me.
 Beautiful hand built bridge..
 Looking up through the leaves, you see a broad range of contrast and colors.
 I just thought this was a neat stump. I shares with us so many years of growth through the rings.
   The views of the woodlands were beautiful, and I even got the surprise of seeing deer (not pictured) for the first time in a while. As for Jefferson City itself, it's just not my type of town. There's not much to do if you are looking for outdoor activities to enjoy. I know state capitals usually have nice buildings and things to see around them, but that just wasn't my cup of tea. I'd rather be found hiking through nature, seeing lakes, and climbing trees.

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